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New projects accepted


Two research projects, proposed by HEAL in cooperation with the School of Management (FH OÖ, Campus Steyr), have been accepted: "TSCHECHOW" and "COVER.core". In TSCHECHOW, opinion mining and bioinformatical text mining shall be researched; research in cost-efficient vehicle routing with constraint relaxation shall be conducted in COVER.core. Both research projects will be funded by the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences and the Government of Upper Austria; in each of these projects two research assistants will be employed for approximately one and a half years: one in Steyr, one in H...

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Guest lecture on the application of metaheuristics in bioinformatics


On June 25th, 2009, Professor Dr. Enrique Alba will give a talk at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Campus Hagenberg, entitled "Metaheuristics for Bioinformatics: Gene Selection and Genomics". In this talk Prof. Alba, Professor for informatics at the University of Málaga and expert in parallel metaheuristic algorithms, will explain the use of metaheuristics in bioinformatics. In bioinformatics, metaheuristics are used for solving various kinds of problems in research with genomics and gene interaction, for example. Basic and current research results in this area shall be prese...

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Publication in Springer's GPEM


We are proude to announce that an article written by members of the HeuristicLab team has been published in Springer's journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (GPEM). The paper "Using enhanced genetic programming techniques for evolving classifiers in the context of medical diagnosis" by Stephan Winkler, Michael Affenzeller, and Stefan Wagner has appeared in GPEM, Vol. 10, No. 2 (June 2009), pp. 111-140; this article can be retrieved online via Springer's online portal.

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