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Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory

/hjʊəˈrɪstɪk/; Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκειν, heurískein, 'to find, discover'

The Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory strives to promote scientific research in the field of metaheuristics for solving business, engineering, and biomedical problems. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, science and software development and wish to encourage close cooperation between industrialists and academics. We also develop and maintain HeuristicLab, an open source software framework for heuristic and evolutionary optimization, which we hope will attract new users and practitioners.

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    Open PhD positions FutureTHZ

    There are five open PhD positions in the project Future Wireless THz Communication Devices and Systems (FutureTHz) in a doctoral program with TU Vienna. The student working on equation learning methods for nonlinear models for RTD oscillators will be embedded in the HEAL group in Hagenberg.

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    AI Region Upper Austria: Two projects for HEAL

    With its call “AI Region Upper Austria 2024” as part of the #upperVISION2030 strategic programme, the government of Upper Austria promotes innovative AI projects with a view to reinforcing the province’s position as a model region for artificial intelligence (AI).

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    Johannes Karder completes doctoral studies

    Congratulations to our colleague Johannes Karder who successfully defended his PhD thesis!

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