Latest Posts
EMSS 2011: Simulation in Healthcare Workshop
We have posted a lot about our research in logistics and industrial applictions recently, so it's time to showcase our (bio-)medical researchers again. Research group head Michael Affenzeller will be in Rome next week to attend the 23rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2011). Stephan Winkler and Viktoria Dorfer from the bioinformatics research group will accompany him. HEAL researchers and affiliates will present the following papers at the conference:
- On the Use of Estimated Tumor Marker Classifications in Tumor Diagnosis Prediction - A Case Study for Breast Cancer
- Missing Data...
HeuristicLab Blog and Google Group
We are constantly working on new features to improve HeuristicLab, our framework for heuristic and evolutionary algorithms, as evident if you have a look at the change and ticket history on our development homepage However, we know that our wiki and issue tracking system can be a bit overwhelming.
The solution: Our brand new HeuristicLab Development Blog. The blog will allow our developers to post about new, exciting features they are working on, link to tutorials, teaching materials and additional goodies. We will of course still announce releases and important ne...
Read On ...HEAL Researchers at LINDI2011 conference
HEAL researchers Andreas Beham and Stefan Vonolfen are heading to Budapest, Hungary, on Wednesday to attend the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Logistics and Industrial Informatics (LINDI 2011). We have been quite busy in the area of logistics and production optimization, as the titles of our accepted LINDI papers indicate:
- Solving Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Problem Instances Using an Island-Model Offspring Selection Genetic Algorithm
- A New Metric to Measure Distances between Solutions to the Quadratic Assignment Problem
- Re-Warehousing vs. Healing: Strategies for Warehouse Storage Locati...