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Logistics and HeuristicLab Boot Camp
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria consists of four faculties located in Hagenberg, Linz, Steyr and Wels, which specialize in informatics, social sciences, management and engineering, respectively. Although the different faculties have cooperated successfully for years, it is sometimes hard to keep up with the latest research endeavors of the four centers. We all thought it was high time for a bilateral update. Therefore, researchers from Steyr and Hagenberg spent the last two days in workshops, jokingly called "boot camps". Yesterday our colleagues from Logistikum Steyr gave exc...
Read On ...HeuristicLab 3.3.7 released
Most members of the HeuristicLab development team are currently attending GECCO 2012 in Philadelphia. However, before leaving we finalized the HeuristicLab 3.3.7 release, packed with new features for benchmark testing, parameter variation experiments and much more. One of the core incentives for this latest release was that it is still very cumbersome to find suitable parameter settings for a particular problem instance and algorithm. We therefore started to collect algorithm parameters and results of executed test-runs in a systematical way in the so-called optimization knowledge base (OKB). ...
Read On ...Stephan Hutterer wins GECCO 2012 Industrial Challenge
Fellow HEAL researcher Stephan Hutterer has just been announced as the winner of the GECCO 2012 Industrial Challenge. The goal of the of the GECCO 2012 Industrial Challenge was to develop accurate forecasting methods for electrical energy consumption profiles, based on four training data sets from smart-metering equipment. Stephan will present his approach and detailed results at GECCO 2012 in Philadelphia next Monday. The entire group congratulates Stephan on this achievement!
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