DI(FH) Dr. Michael Kommenda, MSc
Assistant Professor
Research Center Hagenberg
School of Informatics, Communications and Media
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Softwarepark 13, A-4232 Hagenberg AUSTRIA
Phone: +43 50804 27131
E-Mail: michael.kommenda@fh-hagenberg.at
Short Biography
2003 - 2007: | Study of “Bioinformatics” at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Upper Austria | |
2006 - 2007: | Internship and Diploma Thesis at the Research Center of the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Upper Austria | |
09/2007: | DI (FH) in “Bioinformatics” | |
2007 - 2008: | Research Associate and Developer of the PRIMOS database
since 2007: | Member of Michael Affenzeller's Genetic Algorithms Research Group | |
09/2011: | Master in Bioinformatics | |
04/2018: | Doctor in Engineering Sciences |
Research Interests
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Symbolic Regression
- Heuristic Optimization Methods
Michael Kommenda's publications can be found on his Research Documentation page (external link).