Project Details | HEAL

ATROPINE - Fast Track to the Physical Internet

Project duration from 2017-04-01 to 2018-05-31
Funded by: Land OÖ
  • RISC Software GmbH
  • Verein Netzwerk Logistik
  • Institut für Produktions- und Logistikmanagement, JKU Linz, Austria

The so-called Physical Internet forms the base for the transport of the future, when material will flow analogous to data in the digital internet. A global and open logistics system is based on physical, digital and operative connectivi-ty. Participants follow standardized protocols and use specific interfaces and modules. In the project ATROPINE Upper Austrian researchers and industry partners join forces to design a Physical Internet model region.

Logistikum researchers are international pioneers for promoting the vision of the Physical Internet. The project core team of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria therefore designs a ‘Physical Internet Innovation Chain’ for the economic region. The goal of the research project ATROPINE is to bring regional businesses and especially all participating logistics part-ners on a ‘Fast Track to the Physical Internet’. Further-more, the project team works in close cooperation with the European technology platform ALICE, the ‘Alliance for Logis-tics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe’. The members of the platform develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation.
Logistikum researchers do basic research in this field in order to improve the knowledge domain within the scientific community. They closely cooperate with the founder of the Physical Internet Prof. Benoit Montreuil, Chair of Material Handling & Distribution at GeorgiaTech University / Atlanta / USA, as well as other renowned researchers all over the globe. In applied R&D projects with regional logistics service providers the team of ATROPINE is testing several prototypes, such as the so-called smart boxes that are able to communicate with transport means or material handling devices, and Physical Internet models (for example: business models which support the idea of a sharing economy). A major economic benefit of the Physical Internet is that it supports the development of more efficient and effec-tive business models for logistics by sharing assets.

Through the ATROPINE project Upper Austrian businesses have the opportunity to be amongst the first to get to know new technologies, products and solutions in the Physical Internet research and business area. The project findings will show how companies can optimize transport costs through cooperation and how they can simultaneously increase productivity. Eco-logical benefits result from reducing the consumption of energy and resources and prevent pollution by lowering green-house gas emissions.