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Theory and Applications of Metaheuristic Algorithms Workshop at eurocast 2017

Nov 17, 2016

Theory and Applications of Metaheuristic Algorithms Workshop at eurocast 2017


Heuristic algorithms have been successfully used to attack complex real-world problems. For a large set of domains they are able to calculate approximate solutions in affordable time. However, heuristic algorithms tend to be very domain specific and suffer from a high problem dependency. In order to overcome this insufficiency various different heuristic optimization strategies are generalized resulting in metaheuristic algorithms.Nowadays metaheuristics enter more and more fields of applications ranging from telecommunications to bioinformatics including of course also other more traditional academic fields as for example continuous or combinatorial optimization. The drastic improvement of computational power and the successful implementation of advanced parallel and grid computing concepts enable efficient solving of problems that have been previously unsolved for a long period of time.Other important issues arise from the consequences of the No-Free-Lunch theorem. It is suggested to extend the power of basic algorithms by analyzing the topology and features of the search space leading to the design of self-adaptive algorithms. Hybridization, local search and specialized operators are in this context some of the major approaches leading to even more efficient algorithms in terms of computational effort and solution quality. All these developments enable the research community to tackle previously unsolvable problems in various challenging and often interdisciplinary applications.


Suggested topics for papers include but are not limited to:

  • New algorithmic developments
  • Theory and applications of Genetic Algorithms
  • Theory and applications of Genetic Programming
  • Other metaheuristics like Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Scatter Search,...
  • Mathematical programming based approaches
  • Hybrid approaches
  • Parallel metaheuristics
  • Machine learning and simulation
  • Data driven modelling and prediction
  • Simulation based heuristic optimization
  • Application of simulation based soft computing

Paper Submission

An extended two pages abstract, including references in English with indication of the workshop of the intended contribution must be sent via webpage ( from May, 1, 2016 until October, 31, 2016. For the extended abstract please follow the instructions for LNCS Authors given at the Springer Online web site. Authors will be notified of acceptance by December 1, 2016. Accepted Extended Abstracts will be published in a pre-Conference volume with ISBN. It is anticipated that the final selected full papers will be published in line with prior Eurocast meetings (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 410, No. 585, No. 763, No. 1030, No. 1333, No. 1798, No. 2178, No. 2809, No. 3643, No. 4739, No.5717, and No. 9520). Full final papers for publication will be required before April 30, 2017

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline (Extended Abstract): October 31, 2016
  • Acceptance Notification: December 1, 2016
  • Camera-Ready Paper Deadline: April 30, 2017

Workshop Chairs

Michael Affenzeller, Witold Jacak (University of Appl. Sciences of Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg), Günther Raidl (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)