Research visit from Michigan
This December Dr. Brian Goldman, a Researcher of BEACON, an NSF Center for the Study of Evolution in Action which is headquartered at the MSU (Michigan State University), joined the HeuristicLab Team for a few days.
BEACON’s research focus which is headed by Prof. Eric Goodman, may be the most important research initiative for evolutionary algorithms at the moment and we are happy to have expanded our international cooperation network with this group.
Brian integrated his P3 algorithm (which won the best paper award in Track: Genetic Algorithms at GECCO 2014) into HeuristicLab. The Parameter-less Population Pyramid (P3) is an evolutionary technique that requires no parameters and is built on the idea that it is often easier to determine how good a solution is than to find the best possible solution.
To learn more about Brian’s visit in Hagenberg, read his work blog: