Meet HEAL team members at GECCO 2011
Apr 20, 2011
We are very pleased to announce the following HEAL team members have been accepted to present recent research at GECCO 2011 in Dublin, Ireland from 12-16 July 2011.
- HeuristicLab head developer Stefan Wagner and Gabriel Kronberger will demonstrate how to apply and analyze metaheuristics using our open source optimization environment HeuristicLab. More information is available on the HeuristicLab Tutorial homepage.
- In addition, Gabriel Kronberger will give a talk about "Overfitting Detection and Adaptive Covariant Parsimony Pressure for Symbolic Regression" in the Symbolic Regression and Modeling Workshop.
- In the Genetic Programming Track, Stephan Winkler will present a poster on the "Analysis of the Effects of Enhanced Selection Concepts for Genetic Programming Based Structure Identification Using Fine-Grained Population Diversity Estimation".
- You can also meet Stephan in the Workshop on Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation and listen to his talk about the "Identification of Cancer Diagnosis Estimation Models Using Evolutionary Algorithms - A Case Study for Breast Cancer, Melanoma, and Cancer in the Respiratory System", a topic he has been working on in close cooperation with the General Hospital Linz (AKh Linz).
- Finally, Viktoria Dorfer will give a talk "On the Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms in Biomedical Keyword Clustering", also in the Workshop on Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation.
Michael Affenzeller and the HEAL team are looking forward to GECCO 2011 and hope to see you there!