News Details | HEAL

Logistics and HeuristicLab Boot Camp

Sep 12, 2012

The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria consists of four faculties located in Hagenberg, Linz, Steyr and Wels, which specialize in informatics, social sciences, management and engineering, respectively. Although the different faculties have cooperated successfully for years, it is sometimes hard to keep up with the latest research endeavors of the four centers. We all thought it was high time for a bilateral update. Therefore, researchers from Steyr and Hagenberg spent the last two days in workshops, jokingly called "boot camps". Yesterday our colleagues from Logistikum Steyr gave excellent introductions to supply chain management, distribution and factory planning and logistics. Today, fellow HEAL researchers returned the favor and held a detailed tutorial on optimization with HeuristicLab. Both parties profited from interdisciplinary exchange and we definitely plan to hold these "boot camps" more often.