Josef Ressel Center for for Adaptive Optimization in Dynamic Environments
On 27th November 2019, the Josef Ressel Center for Adaptive Optimization in Dynamic Environments (JRC adaptOp) was officially opened in Hagenberg. The JRC adaptOp conducts research on methods to meet challenges in dynamic production systems, as for example uncertainties, disruptive events and limited time. Partners of the project are the companies voestalpine Stahl, Industrie Logistik Linz, LogServ and LiSEC, which fund the center together with the Federal Ministry for Digital an Economic Affairs.
Within JRC adaptOp, the researchers of HEAL and the University of Vienna are challenged with solving dynamic optimization problems in domains such as warehousing, production, and transportation. A framework of adaptive methods is developed which react to observed changes in the environment swiftly. Machine learning techniques are integrated to predict the occurrence of future events, devise potential future scenarios, and select and configure adequate optimization algorithms.
As keynote speaker Prof. Thomas Bäck was invited. He is the head of the Natural Computing Group at the University in Leiden, Netherlands, and discussed the topic „ Prescriptive Analytics für dynamische Optimierung im industriellen Kontext: Methoden und Anwendungen“ as a keynote at the opening.
Also lots of media reported about the new Josef Ressel Center adaptOp:
Oberösterreichische Nachrichten - Ressel-Institut: "Den Geist in der Maschine wecken"
ORF OÖ - Neues Forschungszentrum an FH Hagenberg
Industriemagazin - Neues Ressel Zentrum an der FH OÖ will den "Geist in der Maschine wecken"
Factory - Viertes Ressel-Zentrum wird eröffnet
Photocredit: FH OÖ/foto-pils