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Jan Zenisek won Gianni Cantice Award for Gifted Simulation Students at I3M conference

Sep 25, 2017

Our research group member Jan Zenisek won the VI Edition of Gianni Cantice Award for Gifted Simulation Students for his submission "Smart Maintenance Lifecylce Management: A Design Proposal".

The Award Winner is announced, as each year, during I3M Conference (2016 Cyprus, 2015 Bergeggi, 2014 Bordeaux, 2013 Athens, 2012 Wien) as best simulation student(s) among the applicants. The Award is entitled to Col. Gianni Cantice as recognition for his long activity in Simulation. Requirements: Students (e.g. engineering, mathematics, physics, etc.) enrolled in Simulation Researches in Institute, Universities & Agencies are entitled to participate. Students from all countries are invited to send R&D Papers & Applications. The prize also includes the next I3M-conference fee for 2018's edition.

We would like to congratulate you, Jan, on this award!