HEAL research group at the GECCO 2013
From 6th to 10th of July, HEAL members attended the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2013 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Once more, group head Michael Affenzeller and Stefan Wagner chaired the EvoSoft Workshop which enables EC researchers to exchange their ideas on how to develop and apply generic and reusable EC software systems.
Besides that, several group members took the chance to present their scientific achievements at various workshops, namely Bogdan Burlacu at VizGEC, Stephan Winkler at MedGEC, Stephan Hutterer at GreenGEC, and Gabriel Kronberger at the Symbolic Regression Workshop.
While enjoying this great conference, we were happy to successfully participate in GECCO competitions: Gabriel Kronberger and Michael Kommenda won the 2nd place at the Industrial Challenge, while Mohab Elkaref and Andreas Scheibenpflug also reached the 2nd place at the Evorobocode Competition.