Consortium Meeting
The entire Heureka! project consortium meets roughly twice a year to network, exchange best practises and report on progress in the different research branches. This time, Ing. Reinhard Aschauer from CARVATECH Karosserie & Kabinenbau GmbH invited everyone to Steyrermühl, starting with a diverting tour of the Austrian Papermill Museum, which included the creation of a handmade piece of paper. After coffee and small refreshments Heureka! researchers presented recent developments:
- Newly minted PhD Gabriel Kronberger repeated his final thesis presentation, which focused on the generation of Genetic Programming models that are smaller and easier to interpret for human experts.
- Stefan Wagner presented the Optimization Knowledge Base, a project that - we hope - will greatly improve the process of testing and parameter tuning for metaheuristics.
- Afterwards, Erik Pitzer gave a brief introduction to fitness landscape analysis, a highly relevant topic that he persued during his scientific sabbatical.
- Finally, Monika Kofler presented the results of a recently completed warehouse migration project at Rosenbauer International.
Michael Affenzeller would like to thank CARVATECH for hosting the meeting and all attendees for their interest and feedback!
Below are several pictures from the event.