Prof. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gabriel Kronberger

School of Informatics, Communications and Media
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Softwarepark 11, A-4232 Hagenberg AUSTRIA
Phone: +43 50804 22320
google scholar:
Symbolic Regression Book:
Research Interests
- Genetic Programming, Symbolic Regression,
- Machine Learning, Physics-inspired machine learning
- Algorithms and Data structures
- Introduction to Programming
- Database Systems and Data Warehousing
- Data Warehousing and Online Analytical Processing
- Data Mining
- Formal Languages and Compiler Construction
- Computational Intelligence
Short Biography
since 2011: | Professor for Business Intelligence and Data Engineering at the Department for Information Engineering and Management of the School of Informatics, Communications and Media - Hagenberg, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria | |
2018 - 2022:
Head of Josef Ressel Center for Symbolic Regression (
2005 - 2011: | Researcher at the Research Center of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg, Austria | |
12/2010: | PhD in Technical Sciences at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
2005 - 2010: | PhD student at the Institute for Formal Models and Verification at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria | |
09/2005: | MSc in Computer Science at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
since 2005: | Member of Michael Affenzeller's Genetic Algorithms Research Group | |
since 2004: | HeuristicLab Developer | |
2000 - 2005: | Studies in Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria |
Gabriel Kronberger's publications can be found on his Research Documentation page (external link).