FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bogdan Burlacu
Professor (FH)
Research Center Hagenberg
School of Informatics, Communications and Media
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Softwarepark 13, A-4232 Hagenberg AUSTRIA
Phone: +43 50804 27134
E-Mail: bogdan.burlacu@fh-hagenberg.at
Short Biography
2004 - 2009: | Study of Systems and Computer Engineering, with a specialization in Automatic Control and Applied Informatics at the "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania | |
2008 - 2011: | Sysadmin and programmer at SC Software Development Partnership SRL, Iasi, Romania | |
2009 - 2011: | Remote PhD program at the "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania | |
2011 - 2017: | PhD studies on "Exact Tracing of Evolutionary Trajectories in Complex Hypothesis Spaces" | |
Since 2011: | Member of Michael Affenzeller's Genetic Algorithms Research Group | |
Since 2023: |
Professor of Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Research Interests
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Heuristic Optimization Methods
- Multiobjective Optimization
- Genetic Programming
- Neural Networks